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Tuesday 21 June 2011

A to-be born truth!

If you've gone through the above link from NDTV, you'll notice what I was refereeing to in my earlier posts. Well, the situation all throughout India is the same; there is no difference between Navi Mumbai or Mumbai, Kolkata or Delhi or for any other place for that matter.
We all are living in a world where to climb up the ladder, one strangles another man’s life, his family and fall to such a level of disgrace that someday, given a thought, this all seems disgraceful.
To stand against corruption why did we need Anna Hazare or Baba Ramdev to tell us that today is the time we have to wake up from our dreams and stand for our rights? What we have to do and what not to.
Well, it was amazing to look beyond the rear window and see what experiences we have all gone through due to corruption. Somewhere in our lives we have all faced it in some form or the other, why couldn’t we stand at that time?
Today if we see poverty, cries, distress, starvation and death in our country rising in leaps and bounds then there is no other reason than Corruption.
Look up, watch out! need to live a life for tomorrow.

Saturday 18 June 2011

A Golden Man Behind The Saffron Code!

Today as I unfolded the newspaper stuck at my door front, a news that caught my attention was a man who made millions walk under his feet. As I switched on the news channel, the terror struck even worse. Now this is how things go about!

"98kgs of GOLD..
307kgs of SILVER
11.56cr of CASH
was found at Satya Sai Baba's personal chamber in Karnataka."

Now, the question here is...

When we keep talking of poverty being one of the major problems India is facing at the moment, then what is all this money doing in a PERSONAL CHAMBER of a man who claims to be GOD or precisely a spiritual guru? 

Well, the answer is straight and simple. And we all know about it. When out of every 10 people in this country are starving to death under no roof and food, a person who claims to be God has an empire worth 40,000-1,00,000 cr.

We see people staying on the pavement, during the rains they live under plastic roofs and sometimes not even that. In such a country if a "baba" can have so much money, then it is obvious why we have poverty so such an extent.

It takes 36hrs with hundreds and thousands of men to count the money in the chamber which was closed in March, and for a poor man, he searches with hopes to find a penny to count.

It now depends where this money will be used; will it be used for the poor? or again to fill the pockets of another "baba" in the making.